cELEstial Video and Audio TransmissION
ELEVATION is an international innovation project under the Xecs-Eureka label. Start date: 01-April-2024. Duration: 3 years
Project partners: Teledyne Adimec (NL), GrassValley (NL), TU Eindhoven (NL), Celeste (BE), intoPIX (BE), Phoenix AI (BE)
In many markets that use video in work-flows, one faces the challenge that work must be done with fewer people. Often it is not possible to get enough people with the right skills. And more and more people don’t want to be working in dangerous circumstances. Increased awareness for comfort, health, safety on the job, and carbon footprints change how the work shall be done.
These trends also apply to High-End Security and Live Television Productions, the focus markets in ELEVATION. Real-time situational awareness is crucial in High-End Security (HES), with vision-based multi-sensor systems already largely in use. Soon, these systems will acquire and process again larger amounts of data from various types of image detectors. Today these systems still rely heavily on human operators. In Live Television Productions (LTP), specialized teams are active in studios and control rooms. Finding skilled and creative workers willing to work evenings and weekends is becoming challenging due to increased pressure on labour forces. Additionally the amount of new content and platforms increase faster than advertising income.
Improved efficiency is needed in these video work-flows to deal with the work load and societal challenges ahead. This will be realised by moving towards cloud-based system architectures, becoming the default in future system implementations. Whether it will be the real cloud or own off- or on-premises servers, multi-source connectivity to general purpose processing platforms requires innovative implementations of Heterogeneous Distributed Computational networks. What processing is done at the source, what is transmitted how between systems, what is processed in the cloud, and how are work-flows automated to create new functionality are key questions to address. Data integrity and authentication become a key element to Live Television Production and High-End Security. As Medical faces similar challenges, this will be reflected in this project too.
ELEVATION brings together European players in the imaging industry with proven track records. The team consists of a technical university, semiconductor manufacturer,
camera manufacturers, compression experts and a system integrator. The partners collaborate in the following innovation fields:
1) High data integrity and tamper detection on CMOS image sensor level;
2) WAN supported IP transmission in LTP and HES;
3) Secure IP transmission to protect cloud-bound content;
4) Improve camera matching and free viewpoint rendering in the cloud;
5) Low latency compression to reduce bandwidth and to handle tamper detection solutions developed for CMOS image sensors;
6) Automate multi-viewer partitioning for live television and HES;
Secured multi-layer image stream with AI-driven detections to manage access to privacy layers (for instance: people, cars, faces, ...) on green computing edge devices (connected to the cloud).
Our Consortium
Rue Emile Francqui, 9 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
Tel: +32 10 23 84 70
2, Rue du vent des noirs moineaux, 7600 Péruwelz, Belgium
Tel: +32 477 86 93 63
44 rue Cambronne, 75015 Paris, France
T. +33 1 40 64 45 60
44 rue Cambronne 75015 Paris – France
+33 1 40 64 45 60
News & Events
Project started on 4/4/2024
On April 3 & 4 the ELEVATION project held its kick-off meeting at the Eindhoven Technical University, Netherlands
ePicture This 2024
After the great success of ePicture This 2023, we are pleased to inform you that the Penta projects: Mantis Vision and Imagination and the Xecs project Elevation will jointly organize a one-day workshop ePicture This ’24. This workshop will take place on Thursday 26 September 2024 from 09:30 – 18:00 hours at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), in the Netherlands. This inspiring workshop will provide a unique opportunity to interact with experts in imaging technologies. We intend to bring together experts in image sensor design, image processing in the widest sense, and image capture design.
If you are involved in the electronics, components and systems industry specifically on the topic of digital imaging, we invite you to participate in the workshop and submit a one-page abstract for a 15 minute presentation on one of the below topics. The deadline for submission of one-page abstracts is extended to Tuesday 30 April 2024.
The topics are:
Invited talks by experts in above-mentioned areas will be part of the programme.
Your presentation can cover work done in a European funded project, but this is not a prerequisite. If you have an interesting imaging topic to present that is being developed outside a European project, then we are interested!
If you have any queries, please contact: Klaas Jan Damstra - email: klaasjan.damstra@grassvalley.com Marcel Dijkema – email: mdijkema@adimec.com